Ok so in 4 days on 8-8-2008 on 8:08 the olympics will start in the most fearfull country in the world besides Birma: China.
It is horryfying this country is the largest (people size) and also on its way on becoming the most powerful nation of the world. Don't get me wrong. Most americans are as twisted as a... well twister ice cream, however china is even more fearfull.
Today on the news I heared China kicked people out of their houses to make room for the olympics... The olympics, an event that should brother people worldwide through sport has become a horrible freak show.
Leave your house, NOW !! They protest only to get arrested, NOTHING will stand in the way of the newest China propaganda: Olympics 2008.
Some more examples which shows the IOC are absolute TWATS on giving Bejing the olympics:
* The Smog level is that high, experts warned sports(wo)men can die because of the little oxygen in the air.
* If people say "Free Tibet" they will go to jail and mysteriously disappear (NOW in discount: Meat su'lp'lise in sweet and sou'l souce)
* any form of free speech is forbidden.
* China almost got away with the fact that they censored the internet, not only for their people (that happens currently everywhere in China), but also for the foreign journalists (they do not need google... it is the DEVIL!)
* Overall lack of people's right in China. China's political heads once found an old floppy with the game Lemmings and decided this would be their policy... turn all chinese people in lemmings.
* There are people actually practicing day AND night on... cheering. Really I saw on TV that a few 100 people are cramped up in small halls practicing how to clap etc. The few best would get free tickets... hang on... they are practicing cheering and only a FEW get A ticket... WTF if they would ask me that I would laugh hard and fart in their general direction. By the way they did not say more but I bet the few worst end up in jail feet in the air waiting to get their feet beat to pulp with a stick.
Aaah China... yes let's hold the olympics there, what a nice change of scenery it would be.
BTW this cartoon could be close to reality, how the olympics 2008 symbol was made:

Thanks to http://021kids.com/Picture/2008/05/03/how-the-china-olympic-symbols-made/ where I found the cartoon.
Yellow Fever!
Ach, de grote sport-events zijn hoe langer hoe meer een politiek spelleke...
Hebben niet veel meer te maken met sportieve prestaties, maar met hoe het organiserend land overkomt naar de rest van de wereld.
Ik kijk zelfs niet meer...
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