I was there when Manticore 1 was there and played the insane Crowman there. Manticore went downhill fast from there on. I still played (and enjoyed) Manticore 2. Manticore 3 was really bad and it did not improve from there on. I quit NPC-ing, giving them another shot at Manticore 7 which was really bad as well (fighting and little to no role play). I swore I would never be at a Manticore again. But then they rebooted the whole LARP at Manticore 11. They had a new team... a team of people I knew were very good roleplayers, people I knew well. Still not convinced I awaited some time until I decided to give it another shot with Manticore 13.
I was very surprised. These guys made Manticore, which was known as a fightfest into a rich world full of intrigue and role play.
I played my voodoo kind of priest (amongst other roles) with a lot of fun.

From then on I did not miss aManticore event.
From Manticore 13.5 on I play Jäger a scout/hunter kind of, but with a nice twist to it.
He allways is kind off in the background, but some players know a lot more about him and are working with him in some plots, which is very nice. Also the Gameleaders really jumped into the oppertunitues which made him a reoccuring NPC (played him again at 14, but skipped him at 15 :) ). It was quite hard to find a photo of him (he is on 1 groupphoto and this is the only other one), but here he is, getting diner:

Last Manticore I played a lot of roles. A lot of them were cultists of the liche king as I tend to have the reputation to (when needed to) go all out with the resources I have.
I am very curious what the next Manticore will bring us... and what roles I will play :)
BTW this is the promo poster for Manticore 15.
Me on the front and the dude in green getting beaten to pulp (outgame pulp too) in one of the smaller shots.

Hahaaaa.... thanks to vince I DID find a picture of Jäger... lol never noticed it :)
Me with Misletoe and my bow

You are too kind... ;-)
BTW er zijn Jäger portret foto's van de miniLARP (13.5 in Hotton).
dat is een groepsfoto en daar sta ik al helemaal niet duidelijk op :)
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