Monday, August 11, 2008


I like to play MMORPG's.
I started with Everquest which wasn't that good and then a time nothing and then I played WOW a lot. I used to raid a lot and before the 1st expansion I cleared little to all content (did all but a few bosses in Naxx). Got bored with WOW, started to test some other MMORPG's which were all but nice:
Vanguard: Saga of heroes was buttugly, boring and resourceheacy (why I still wonder).
Pirates of the Burning sea was really boring as well.
Lord of the Rings online was a bit fun but lacked latelevel content.
city of villains was a lot of button smashing ending and a lot luck based.
So I went back to playing wow again. Went for Vasjh and Kael and got bored of Guilddrama again. Then I started to play Conan, which is a very nice game.
However, the lack of endgame content, the bugs in the clientsofware and last but not least my son is making me doubt to quit it.
18-9-2008 Warhammer online will come online, which would be nice. However the news that they cancelled 4 out of 6 capital cities and 4 out of 24 classes makes me doubt to play it. EA took over the company and we know their policy: Better to Release yesterday then tomorrow... so they probably were pushed to launch and needed to cancel parts of the game which makes me wonder what else they cancelled to push to release. Off course this news came after my pre-order so I am getting the game anyway.
of course WOW will release their new expansion which makes it possible to do all instances with not only 25 but also 10, which makes it more interesting as me and some others who quit are quite good at raiding and with 10 perhaps we can make something out of it without spending countless money on assholes fucking up encounters with stupid actions.
Few more MMO's on the horizon but nothing worth mentioning atm.
what to do, what to do :)

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