Monday, August 18, 2008

BAck playing a bloodsucker

Ok, so saturday was my 1st session in Rotterdam by Night. The vampire chronicle in Rotterdam. I knew nobody and was very curious 'how' this group role played.
It was a brilliant succes, I saw no tests, I saw nobody go outgame for 1 second and personally went outgame for 10 seconds to ask what a certain ingame dutch term ment in official terms. They use a lot of dutch terms for the 'normal' english terms so that needs some hammering in my brain, but it improves atmosphere I must say.

The characters in the domain was a nice balance to see as well...
2 gangrel (ancillae, neonate), 3 brujah (elder, ancillae, neo), 2 malkavs(me as ancillae and a neonate), 2 torreador (2 neonates), 3 ventrue (2 neonates, 1 ancillae), 2 nosferatu (2 neonates) and 1 tremere (ancillae).
Normally the Brujah and mostly gangrel dominate because of their uber combat potential, but here the Brujah were not dressed in leather jackets and breaking tables all the time and the gangrel were informative, inquisitive and philosophic instead of sharpening their claws, which was very nice to see.

People dressed nice, the location was more then ok and the ST did not even have to narrate everything and just played his character the whole time.

All in all I ask myself... why did Antwerp not be more like this.

However in comparison to Antwerp Rotterdam is more riggid (not that that is necesseraly a bad thing) and status, influence and backgrounds are not really put down as stats and therfor I wonder if that is good. However the ST has been very in control and seems to know exactly who does what and why... which is perfect.

Short overview of the session:

My character was introduced to the court by a Ventrue Neonate and he was looked at with great interest. Not many kindred of the court had met Malkavians that 'communicated' normally, which of course surprised my character. I talked to many people of the court and was informed with the case of Scarlet a Malkavian that apparently has been tampered with, by her sire, an elder Malkavian Antitribu. The prince himself ordered that the woman would be investigated and if possible restored to 'normal' status. I offered my help and by hearing what they tried to do... need it. Also had a very nice talk with the Gangrel which has gained the interest of my character... can't wait for next session.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
Don't you suck Fred into this , you!!!!!!!! you! ;-) lol