So yesterday we went to see the remake of Friday the 13th part 2 which is (just to confuse you) named: Friday the 13th !
So to explain in short, in this remake Friday the 13th part 1 is quickly recapped in the titles. Part 2 starts then, with not the mom (who is the killer in the original F13 part 1) but our good old friend Jason in the leading role as killer.
To not spoil your viewing fun I will recap this movie quickly:
It was one of the best horror movies I have seen in the past decade !
It was an instant classic: topless women (one of them had tits you can only dream of touching), youngster who have sex get killed, the black guy is, of course, present in this movie (even a 'the chinese guys' which is new !), great kills which made us go EEEW and HAHAHAHA at the same time. It had all we hope for in every horror movie (when someone gets killed and is just lifted out of the water to show boobies one more time... I applaud the director I tell you). Most horrors try to scare you with sound effects these days (silent then BAM dolby on your ass to startle you), F13 was nothing like that, blood and gore to make the teenage women in the croud go EEEEW, not the sound !
I had a blast... this baby will be added in my horrormovie DVD collection FOR SURE !!!

Jason rules ! go to the cinema now...
stop reading... go now I say, for real !
hahaha, o god ze hebben er dus klasieken jaren 80 horror van gemaakt!
Wil je trouwens een enge film zien. Moet je REC kijken. Hij is wel spaanstallig en er komen zombies <3 in voor.
Net de 'originele' box set ah bekijken (zitten toppers en regelrechte stinkers tussen). De remake zal ik dan wel op DVD bekijken want ik geraak tegenwoordig niet meer in de cinema (en erger mij daar meestal dood aan allerhande regeltjes).
Als ge nog horrorfans (zeker de 'foute films') zoekt: in Belgiƫ wonen nog wel enkele freaks hoor (moi bv).
vince... den deze moet je toch echt wel in de cinema gaan bekijken hoor !
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