Wednesday, July 2, 2008


ok been very busy lately.
Also with Calam.
The upcoming event of vzw Arrowheads. By many spit upon, but we decided to try it out.
I have bought :
* a new pair of trousers,
* a new pair of shoes
* a white linnen shirt.
* a tent
* cast iron fork and spoon
* my mother in law just called, she bought 6 stools for only 15 euro !
* 2 bottles of Mead (and 2 for onno so 4 in total, 2 with cherry, 1 with lavender and 1 with chestnut, can't wait)
* 3 extra sheepskins (total of 5 now)

I already had:
warm clothing (for bad weather), so I think I am ready for it.

The tents me and Onno bought also arrived and we are well on the way of having a complete ingame living quarters (we still need to put em up to check them). Need to buy candles (Onno has the lanterns) and a chest to put stuff in. What I also need is a piece of cloth for to cover up my 21st century fieldbed and then I think I am ready.

We were gonna play a band of orcs, but since we are only with 3 now (many people needed to go to weddings, cancelled, don't feel like it or are suddenly refraining contact atm) and decided to just play a band of 'Vaganten', which is dutch for roaming students who travel around to learn.

a bit of advertisement... they need it:

1 comment:

Vince said...

Vaganten!!!!!! :-))