I had my fair share of horrible workdays again.
Yesterday I went to Amsterdam through the traffic, no time for lunch.
I got there and was awaited by a nice guy from another company.
Now we had to wait for the Storage Engineer who is licensed to install.
I was there at 12.30, he was supposed to be there at 13.00.
I call him at 13.15.
Me: Where are you ?
him: Still at the client I have at least 1 more hour of work and I need to drive an hour
me: O... K....
him: I'll be there ASAP
We wait... getting bored and agitated... my time is precious, also in work.
*imagine a clock in FFWD*
I call him again:
Me: Where are you
*I hear people talking and no car noises... I think OMFG*
him: busy... my manager will call you within minutes, byebye...
At this moment I feel the urge to break someone... and the other guy... who was waiting with me is feeling the same.
I got no phonecall whatsoever... no manager no nothing so I call my accountmanager and manager... they will escalade.
guy will not turn up.
I wasted a day... and my new made friend Erwin is feeling as good as me.
He will come today... but I am not as motivated anymore... you feel why ?
I hear a truc decided to run through the road to the other side on the most busy road of the Netherlands... the road I need to travel.... what a glorious end of this day.
I decide to eat something with my new friend Erwin and leave later...
We eat at 17:00, I leave at 18:00... home at 20.45.
lemme explain:
If you are at work at another client, know you have an hour traveltime and need to be at the next client at 13.00 and you see around 11.00 you have tons of work left...
the world is filled with ignorant people...
I have one gesture for them:
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