Saturday, June 30, 2007

The blood crawls where it can't go (dutch saying)

Now that I finally found out I can post a blog with mailing to it, I think I will post more often. At least that is the intention.

But that is not why I am posting now. I decided to ST (storytell, host as you might call it) a new role playing campaign. I had this muze on my shoulder when I picked something up which I wanted to mould into a story. I have asked Bard and An for my first two players and they said yes. My document is almost ready. It is a 40 page document with info from the domain of vampires and their surroundings. I am having the vibes again, let’s hope this will not be the umpteenth work in progress thing that will never see the daylight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.