Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year

As everyone in the world I wish u all a happy new year.
I feel like crap though. My eyes sting, my throat hurts and I almost puked while coughing this morning... nice...
Still, a new year.... a fresh start and time for new year's resolutions.
I gave up smoking completely now.
  • I quit about 2 years ago but was still a casual smoker. I decided to give it up, living life a with a breath of fresh air.
  • I also need to loose weight. The target is 10 kilo's to start with.
  • I need to move again, but the problem really is to: 1. find someone to go with and 2. find something you both like to do.
I really passed the point I do sports for fun. I am a busy guy and can think of a 1000 more fun ways to spent my time then by moving around and getting all sweaty and stinky.

I know I sound like a real standerd person here... but hey, I never claimed I was special.

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