Things go on in my mind... a lot of things go on in my mind. I am known as a chaotic person in lifestyle. I tend to miss simple things in life... My Girlfriend allways points me to them though. I do not see dishes pile up until my plates are all gone. I do not see the laundry pile up until I have no more socks. That is just me.
However chaotic my lifestyle may be, I am very straightforward when I feel bad about certain things. I used to have the hide of an elephant... as thick as anything. However I notice that this is slowly changing.
More and more do I notice that when I feel that people do me wrong, I tell em what I think. And I do so very straightforward. Perhaps that makes me an asshole, a basterd and a rude jerk, but at least I get it off my chest.
I used to swallow a lot of shit about people until I needed to explode somewhere... most of the time when nobody was around. I think the turning point in it all, was when I quit my function as main scenariowriter for the LARP I used to organise. I got a tonload of shit put over me and from that point decided I would tell people they should STFU or ask them what the hell they were doing, when I deemed it right. And so I did the day before yesterday.
Someone who I spoke to reguraly and thought to be a straightforward person pulled a shitty thing and when I confronted him about it he brought bullshit excuses which weren't true as well, he talked himself into a corner. He went offline quickly... saying that I could suck it and if I wanna be mad... I think he pushed that well known ignore button. pity...
I don't get that... especially if the person allways claims to be straightforward and honest to people... I guess some people just are when they think you will think they are... I keep being amazed of the human psyche and how politics seem to be a natural in every human.
That is why I started to create this blog. Ramblings of a weird dutch guy...
I just write down things; I grab something from the chaotic soup that is my mind that seems to keep playing up in my mind, hoping that by putting it all on (virtual) paper, will ease my concience a bit. so this is actually my confessioncorner... a bit... but then for the world to read.
I don't give a shit...
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